Welcome to ClassIT

What is ClassIT?

ClassIT provides carriers and shippers the National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC), a standard tool that compares commodities moving in interstate, intrastate and foreign commerce. Commodities are grouped into one of 18 classes from a low of class 50 to a high of class 500 based on an evaluation of four transportation characteristics: density, stowability, handling and liability. Together, these characteristics establish a commodity's transportability. For classification purposes all commodities are evaluated on the basis of the four transportation characteristics and ONLY on the basis of those four characteristics. The NMFC thus provides both carriers and shippers with a standard by which to begin negotiations and greatly simplifies the comparative evaluation of the thousands of products moving in today's competitive marketplace.

About the NMFC

While the NMFC establishes groupings of virtually all commodities that move in commerce, it is more than commodity descriptions and classes. The NMFC specifies minimum packaging requirements to ensure that goods are adequately protected in the motor carrier environment and can be handled and stowed in a manner that is reasonably safe and practicable. It contains various rules that govern and otherwise relate to the classification and/or packaging of commodities.

NMFC Training

Without a working knowledge of how to use the National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC), you may not get the full benefits of this powerful tool. NMFTA offers a variety of training options, such as our one-day seminar, to help you get the most from the NMFC.


Coming Soon: ClassIT+ and ClassIT+ API

On July 15, 2025, the new ClassIT+ and ClassIT+ API will be available, providing an enhanced user experience and access to the most current National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC)® data. As the NMFC changes throughout 2025, so will the technologies designed to use its data. Learn more and subscribe to our monthly updates at https://www.classitplus.com.
FCDC Disposition Bulletin 1371 Expanded Spreadsheet
FCDC DB 1371 Expanded Spreadsheet is now available and can be found under the FCDC section of Documents.
NOTICE: Disposition Bulletin 1371 is available for viewing and can be found in the documents section.